Participant information sheets for ComBAT
Want to find out more about mental health?
Are you concerned about your mental health or maybe that of a friend? The following websites are good places to learn more about common mental health problems and what trigger these. They also have useful tips about how to stay well and how to support others. There is useful information for parents and carers too.
+ Young Minds
+ Mental Health Foundation
+ Royal College of Psychiatrists
+ Anna Freud Centre
+ Mental health – NHS (
+ PAPYRUS (Prevention of Suicides)
You also might like to check out the ‘Reading Well’ website. This has a list of expert-endorsed books about mental health, providing 13 to 18 year olds with advice and information about issues like anxiety, stress and OCD, and difficult experiences like bullying and exams.
There is also the NHS Apps Library a searchable collection of online apps and tools to help people manage their health and wellbeing which contains many mental health related entries.
If you think you are having difficulties with your mental health you can speak to your GP or a person you trust at school or your key worker if you have one.
What to do if you are having a mental health crisis
If you think you are at immediate risk of harm, or are not safe, call 999 or go to A&E. You can also contact your local NHS urgent mental health helpline (England only) for 24-hour advice and support.